Monographs of Reza Abbasi and the Social themes of Shah Abbas I Safavi era

Document Type : Original Article


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The social history of Iran in the Safavid era is one of the fields of study that still needs attention and revision due to the poverty of Iranian historiography. AND aND aND

The establishment of political stability and the consequent growth of the cultural and artistic atmosphere in the Safavid era led to the growth of all types of art, including the emergence of prominent and influential artists on the flow of Iranian painting. Iranian painting, which was mostly focused on fictional, courtly or mythological effects, with a short history, reflected a part of the social life of the Safavid era in the paintings of the Shah Abbas era. Single portrait or single painting, although it started before the Safavids, in this period it was established in the works of Reza Abbasi (died 1044 AH), one of the most important painters of the Isfahan school.The present research deals with the representation of social elements in Reza Abbasi's one-faced paintings using historical and analytical methods, relying on library and museum sources. The research question is that, in the absence of attention of Persian historiographical sources to the social life of the Safavid era, what themes and social classes have been depicted in Reza Abbasi's monographs. The findings of this research show that Reza Abbasi, a master artist in the Isfahan school and who had a presence in the court and lived among people, was able to depict different social classes, gender, and occupations more than any other artists of his time


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