Guide for Authors

Methodology for compiling articles in the Journal of Iranian Civilization
The journal of Iranian Civilization is published by the Department of History of Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman. The initial acceptance of the articles is subject to the following points, and the final acceptance and publication is subject to the approval of the reviewers of the article and the editorial board of the journal.
Required files to be uploaded: Five essential files must be submitted through the manuscript submission system: 1. The main file of the manuscript in the template (without the names of the authors), 2. Title page in the mentioned format, 3. Authorship form (must include the title of the article and the name and surname of all authors and be signed by all authors), 4. Conflicts of Interest form (must be signed by the Corresponding Author and uploaded with the article file), and 5. Cover letter.
 a. Terms of acceptance of the article
The journal will only accept articles that are the result of innovation and research by the author or authors in the field of the history of pre-Islamic Iranian culture and civilization and the history of Islamic culture and civilization in the Islamic period.
The journal only publishes academic research papers and is not allowed to publish duplicate, adapted or translated articles.
The copyright of the article, after its acceptance, is reserved for the publication and the author of the article is not allowed to publish it elsewhere.
The publication is free to accept, reject and edit articles.
Publishing articles does not mean agreeing with the authors and the author / authors are responsible for the content of the articles.
B. Accepted style two-letter letter
Dear researchers, you are expected to consider the following in compiling your article and then send it to the journal email:
1- Specifications
Name and surname of the author / authors, level of education, academic rank, department, name of the faculty, university, and city of the author / authors' university, e-mail address of the responsible author / authors, address, postal code, mobile phone number, home, place of work .
  2- Calligraphy of the article
 It should be arranged according to the grammar of the Academy of Persian Language and Literature, and it is necessary to observe a semicolon in writing words.
3- The text of the article
Articles in terms of content volume of at least 15 and at most 20 pages (in the dimensions of the ministerial cut: the top margin of the page is 8.5, the bottom of the page is 85.4 and the left and right margins are 4.5 cm) and its words are between 5 to 7 thousand words. The text should be written in B Zar font in 2007 to word 2010 format. The font size is 13 and in the abstract, references and bibliography is 12, and the English abstract font is Times News Roman.
The title of the articles should be clear, concise and relevant to the content.
Abstracts (in 150 to 250 words) and keywords (3 to 5 words) are required in both Persian and English. An abstract includes the purpose or motivation of the research, the problem, the method, and the summary of the findings and its application; Also, the text of the articles includes an introduction, main topics, conclusions and a list of sources. It should be noted that the introduction (includes the presentation of material to logically enter the original text and relate to research issues, in which it is necessary to mention the research background in order to receive the novelty of the research). In other words, the introduction should include the statement of the problem, the background of the research and the necessity of the discussion, and each of these should be presented in a separate section.
The article should be arranged on a standard page, including 20 lines of text and 1 line spacing, and sent with a PDF file.
Documents, pictures, maps, tables, and the like are attached to the end of the article.
Transliteration and English equivalent of special letters, idioms and specialized words should be mentioned in a footnote.
4- Citation method
Article references are in text and in the following way:
 The author's last name, year of publication, cover number and page should be given in parentheses (Ahmadi, 2012: 2/56) and in Latin (Lane, 1952: 120). If more than one work is referred to by an author in a year, the works should be distinguished by the letters a, b, c, d (a, b, c, d in Latin).
For duplicate references, the word "same" (in the case of the Latin ibid sources) is used.
In referring to culture or encyclopedia and sources that have entries, it is done as follows: (Dehkhoda, 1365: 4/321, below "chivalry").
At the end of the article, first Persian sources and then Latin sources, based on the author's family name, are listed in alphabetical order as follows:
Book: Surname of the author / authors, name of the author / authors (date of publication). Name of the book in italics (Iranian), name of translator or proofreader, volume number, place of publication: name of the publisher.
Article: Author surname, author name (date of publication). "Title of the article", name of the translator, name of the journal in italics (Iranian), year of publication, issue number. Article pages.
Persian example:
Kluzner, Carla (1363). Bureaucracy in the Seljuk era, translated by Yaghoub Azhand, Tehran: Amirkabir.
Latin example
Lane, George E. (2003), Early Mongol Rule in Thirteenth-Century Iran: A Persian Renaissance, London and New York: Routledge Curzon.
Internet resources: Author surname, author name (access date). "Article Title", Website Name (or e-Journal Title, Volume, Issue, Year), Page, URL.
Draw lines for duplicate references instead of last name and author.
For citations from more than two authors: the first author and others.
The method of referring documents is also followed according to the document archiving pattern in organizations.