A look at the performance of Kermanshah justice courts in facing some social crimes (A.S 1320-1306based on a number of unpublished documents)

Document Type : Original Article


Department of History, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Razi University


After the establishment of the new justice in1306 by Ali Akbar, the minister of Justice of the first Pahlavi government, its branches were immediately built throughout the country, including the kermanshahs. Meanwhile, the kermanshahs had special conditions due to their proximity to Iraq and the settlement of various tribes with ethnic contradictions. It was also difficult to protect it from criminals due to its distance from the center. The purpose of this research is to answer the question of what measures Kermanshah Justice Department has taken against crimes and social corruption? According to a number of documents, it can be said that the new judiciary was created in the direction of social justice and people's rights, but sometimes due to the presence of incompetent people and taking bribes from the accused or under the pressure of influential people. And the person in power violated the rights of the plaintiffs.This article investigates the dimensions of this issue using the library research method based on unpublished documents of the Kermanshahan judiciary. The findings show that despite the prosecution of cases and the rights of the people, corruption was also prevalent in the judiciary of Kermanshah, which could not be unrelated to the Ministry of Justice of the country, because according tosome unpublished documents, when people were disappointed with the functioning of the judiciary of Kermanshah in certain cases, they were forced to send their complaint to the judiciary of the whole country, but in the end they did not achieve their right.



    1. a) Documents:

    - Letter of Ismail, Harsin's Sheriff to Adliya (1927). No: 14044/5/12/7, Sakma. [Persian].

    - Second letter of Ismail, Harsin's Sheriff to Adlieh, (1927). Sakma. [Persian].

    - Kermanshah Justice's letter in response to Ismail, Harsin's Sheriff (1928). No: 29102, Sakma.

    - Letter of Abolqasem Yakhchali to the Ministry of Justice, Sakma. [Persian].

    - Letter of the Ministry of Justice to Abolqasem Yakhchali, (1927). No. 1632, Sakma. [Persian].

    - Document related to the complaint of fraud in Kermanshah, Sakma. [Persian].

    - Letter of Court of Justice, investigation sheet and report of parliament, (1938). pp: 1-2, Sakma. [Persian].

    - Letter of Court of Justice, No. 663, Sakma. [Persian].

    - Letter of the Ministry of Justice, (1938). No. 1598, Sakma. [Persian].

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    - Ministry of War letter, No. 2733, Sakma. [Persian].

    - Reza Qoli Yasemi's letter, (1936). No. 125-5/10/14, Sakma. [Persian].

    - Letter to the Ministry of Justice (1937). No. 2126-16, Sakma. [Persian].

    - Letter of the Ministry of Justice (1937). No. 2045, Sakma. [Persian].

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    - Letter of Court of Justice (1933). Sakma. [Persian].


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    - Habal al-Matin newspaper, (1926). No. 13. [Persian].

    - Shafaq Sorkh newspaper, (1926). No. 689. [Persian].


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