A philosophical reflection on the purpose of marriage and criteria for choosing a husband in Ferdowsi's Shahnameh

Document Type : Original Article


Department of History, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


The present research is about the relationship between teachings in Ferdowsi's Shahnameh with the thoughts of philosophers and thinkers such as: Plato, Schopenhauer , Nietzsche , Hume and Will Durant have studied about the purpose of marriage about the purpose of marriage, the criteria of choosing a husband (attention to body and fitness and courage). In fact, the purpose of this research is a philosophical analysis and reflection on the purpose of marriage and the criteria for choosing a husband in the Shahnameh . The purpose of marriage and mating in Ferdowsi's Shahnameh is to give birth to a child. Courage and fitness are among the criteria for choosing a husband in the Shahnameh. Why bravery and fitness were the criteria for your selection in Shahnameh ? How was the position of the body and the beauty of the body in the Shahnameh? There are questions that the author has answered based on the teachings of the mentioned philosophers. The results indicate that the sanctity of marriage was due to the continuation of the species and the birth of children, physical fitness also helped the continuation of the correct species, and the beauty of the body was as important as the beauty of the mind. Also, in the ancient world, due to the existing conditions, attention to the body was paid attention to along with the soul and soul. In this research , an attempt has been made to deal with this issue with a descriptive - analytical method .


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