Review and analysis of the theoretical philosophy of history from Kasravi's point of view

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Faculty Member, Department of History, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Iran


The themes and issues related to the theoretical philosophy of history are as old as human life. Religions and intellectual-philosophical schools have each expressed their view of history and its movement depending on the type of their ontological foundations. Answering the three main questions of the theoretical philosophy of history (stimulus, path, goal) is one of the issues of concern to religions and philosophical schools. Although Kasravi turned away from philosophical thinking and its nature and considered attention to it to be the cause of man's destruction, his religious approach to the course of world history and establishing an independent intellectual system for himself somehow forced him to respond to The basic questions of the theoretical philosophy of history. In this article, an attempt is made to find answers to the three main questions of the theoretical philosophy of history in Kasravi's thoughts. This research, which was conducted based on historical, descriptive-analytical research methods and Kasravi's works, will show that according to Kasravi's religious approach, the driving force of history, from his point of view, is the battle between the nature of good and evil (soul and soul) of man and the role of divine providence. It is to bring the excited ones. From his point of view, the path of history in two dimensions of human nature is complete and progressing, and the goal and end of history is the connection of science, religion and belief to another world in the continuation of the current world.
