Semantic analysis of plaster arrays in Rabat Sharaf building

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Art and Architecture, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, History, Department of History, Bojnourd Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bojnourd, Iran


In Islamic culture, civilization and art, the decoration of the building is considered an integral part of the building. The obvious presence of arrays such as calligraphy, plant motifs and geometric designs form the essence of Islamic art, which is rooted in the teachings of the Islamic religion and spreads the noble civilization of Islam from the past to the present. Plaster arrays are ornaments of Islamic art and architecture, but this art includes Islamic concepts and themes and the beliefs of Muslim architects, and in addition to beauty, they have been used to convey semantic messages. This applies to all the traditional buildings of Iran, but due to the acceptance of travelers from other civilizations, caravanserais have been a symbol for identifying the culture and civilization of Iran, and decorations have become very important. Rabat Sharaf is of the valuable historical caravanserais of the Seljuk era, which is known as a precious heritage from the history of Islamic civilization in terms of architecture and decorations. Therefore, the aim of the current research is to study and identify the decorations of the Rabat Sharaf building, and it seeks to answer the question, what are the arrays of slimy plaster decorations of the Rabat Sharaf building? How are the semantic functions of these decorations explained? Therefore, the research in this regard has been carried out by using the descriptive-analytical method, and data collection has been done using library sources and field studies.
