Constitutional revolution and anti-corruption of Mosavat newspaper

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor at the Department of Theology and Islamic Studies of Farhangian University


The Qajar era and specifically the constitutional revolution is one of the milestones in the contemporary history of Iran. One of the reasons for the constitution in Iran was the economic crisis that made the people fed up. In addition to granting concessions to Russia and England, the unbridled administrative corruption of the Qajar had created a chaotic situation in the country. With the implementation of the constitution, one of the goals of the constitutionalists was to fight against such corruptions. In the current research, we are trying to answer these questions with a descriptive-analytical approach: What was the position of the newspaper Mosavat regarding this corruption? What solutions did it propose to get out of the economic crises and administrative corruption? The findings indicate that Mosavat, while emphasizing the urgent and urgent fight of officials and people against this corruption, the formation of the National Council, the establishment of the law, the criticism of the ruling body and parliamentarians, the formation of judicial courts to fight corruption and finally replacing the youth and He considered the forces of scholars and scientists with clean hands instead of corrupt embezzlers to get out of corruption as one of the foundations of Iran's independence.
