Analysis of the myth of Arash archer from Avesta to contemporary deviance

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


Mythological stories and narratives that have reached us today have ancient roots that sometimes date back to the time of Aryan migration to Iran. With the passage of time and with the changes and transformations of Iranian civilization, these myths have lost their original form and have had additions. The myth of Arash is a very ancient myth in Iranian culture; In such a way that the first text that has a brief reference to it is the book of Avesta. After the Avesta, in Middle Persian texts and historical books of the Islamic era, we witness the presence of this myth with more details. The main goal of the current research is to investigate and identify the course of change and evolution of the myth of Arash and to express the violations of norms that have been formed in literary-historical books about this myth especially in the contemporary period. Therefore, we are looking for an answer to the question, are descriptive-analytical method and using the collection of library materials, show that the myth of Arash is re-narrated in the contemporary era, and the authors did not pay attention to the ancient patterns of the myth in their narration. In other words, they broke the norm. The dual confrontations of good and evil have always existed in the myth of Arash, and in the contemporary era, due to the selfishness and personal goals of some people, we are witnessing deviation from the norm in the expression of this myth.
