Comparative semiotics of mystical symbols of Mantiq al-Tair and the architecture of mosques

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Architecture,Faculty of Art and Architecture,Shahid bahonar University, Kerman, Iran


Mantiq al-Tair written by Attar is a travelogue in the form of a mystical epic with a symbolic expression in the language of birds. This ritual travelogue has been written with passing through the valleys, passing and following the connection of Si-morgh (thirty birds) to Simorgh. this research will decipher the mystical symbols of the story and match its symbols and valleys with the hierarchy of access in the spaces of Iranian mosques. This analysis and decoding is based on two categories of symbolism; The first category is "extra-textual symbols", which examines the interactive influence of literary and architectural works ie Mantiq al-Tair and the sacred architecture of mosques in five types of symbolism. The second category is "symbols within the text" which deals with the interpretation of the course of the story in the "inner space" of literary and architectural works, in similarity with each other. The method of collecting materials in this research is documentary base and the research method in this article will be descriptive-analytical and logical reasoning strategy in the next step. In these studies, both categories of symbolism (external and internal text) of the mystical story, in accordance with the sacred architecture of Iranian mosques in the form of the ratio of the seven valleys of the ritual journey of the story with the hierarchy of access to mosque spaces, and the proportion of the seeker's existence with the worshiper who symbolizes in the direction of connection through the path will be presented.
