Comparative analysis of octagonal plan in the tombs of the patriarchal period, (Case study: Tomb of Yousef Reza in Varamin with Sheikh Abdul Samad Monastery in Natanz)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Student of Mohaghegh Ardabili University

2 Associate Professor, Department of Archeology, Mohaghegh Ardabili University

3 Instructor of Archeology, Mohaghegh Ardabili University


After mosques, tombs are the second largest religious and semi-religious buildings in the Islamic world.In the Islamic era, especially in the Middle Ages and the Ilkhanids, attention was paid to perfectionism and making the building as glorious as possible, including the plan, the multiplicity of space, and the decorations in the best and most efficient way.The use of numerical expansions, especially even numbers, the concentration of spaces symmetrically, the multiplicity of lateral spaces and their combination together led to the flourishing and expansion of a kind of architectural style of the building complex with octagonal and octagonal plan.The tomb of Yousef Reza Varamin and the monastery of Sheikh Abdul Samad Natanz are also among the collections of these tombs of the Ilkhanid era. The two tombs have similarities and differences in style, architecture and decoration. The purpose of writing this article is to investigate the influence of political, cultural and religious factors of the patriarchal period in the formation of some identical features between the Architecture and decorations of the tomb of Yousef Reza Varamin and the monastery of Sheikh Abdul Samad Natanz.Considering the importance of the growth and expansion of Sufism and Shiism during the Mongol period, the effects of Sufism and Shiism's beliefs on the thoughts and ideas of the supporters of these two mausoleums can be seen as one of the most important reasons for the formation of some architectural similarities, especially octagonal architecture. There are two buildings.
