Civilization Actions of the Shiite Government of Al-Buwayh (322-448 AH) Case Study: Economic Measures in Iraq

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Amin University of Law Enforcement Sciences

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Education, Amin University of Law Enforcement Sciences

3 PhD student in Islamic history


The emergence of the Shiite government of Al-Buwayh as one of the most significant historical events in the fourth and fifth century AH had profound effects on the society especially on the economic conditions. Given the relative political stability of Iraq during this period, as well as the Buyid emirs’ wise implementation of economic policies and measures, many of which were considered progressive and innovative in the world at that time, Iraq witnessed rapid economic growth and development. The main question of the research is what were the most important economic actions of Al-Buwayh in Iraq? This research is a qualitative research, that is done using  documentary analysis and historical and library documents. Findings revealed that with the efforts of emirs including Rokn al-Dawla, Imad al-Dawla, Adud al-Dawla, Mu'izz al-Dawla and others, the Buyid dynasty could rule over affluent areas like Jibal, Fars, Khuzistan, and Iraq, while enjoying natural conditions of economy, like agriculture, mine,  water wealth and industry, their economic growth was boosted by the emirs’ economic measures and policies, such as cities’ and bazaars’ development, reconstruction of dams, controlling commercial and non-commercial roads, taxation, and focus on business. However, some emirs, in contrast with first rulers, did not care about economic matters and people’s life by heavy taxations, neglecting business growth, dam construction and irrigation, all of which led to economic regression, destruction of cities and bazaars, and consequently to riots, economic crises, and the emergence of a group called Ayyaran in areas like Baghdad and Karkh, who brought insecurity and plundered businessmen’s properties  during the last years of the Buyid dynasty.