Class system in Baluchistan: historical contexts and social consequences

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant professor Department of Iranian History Kharazmi University

2 University Ferdowsi

3 PhD student at Kharami University


    The social structure of the Baluchistan region can be considered a continuation of a part of the historical and cultural structure of Iran. Due to the rule of "tradition" over social relations, in the ranks of the patrimonial state, the nomadic tribe is based on traditional action and the division of labor. The Baluchistan class system has historical data that represents the structure and method of agricultural production. The importance of this article is due to the important and decisive position of the class system in the social life of the people of Baluchistan. This research has been done by descriptive-analytical method and historical sociology (Ideal Weber method), relying on library resources and using sociological theories to identify and explain the causal conditions governing the structure of Baluchistan society and its social consequences. By studying the sociology and history of the structure of the social system of Baluchistan, the historical-social reasons have been the stability and continuity of the traditional class system, the traditional action and the method of agricultural production. The effects of social consequences such as migration, insecurity, discrimination against women, mass conflicts, class divisions, cultural delays, underdevelopment, and violation of civil rights of the poor and cultural stagnation have affected the people of this region.


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