Investigating and Analyzing the Attitude of Iranian Governments towards the Shiite Religion based on Coin Inscriptions (From the 4th century to the 7th century AH)

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Islamic Sciences /Zanjan University of Medical Sciences


Numismatics plays a prominent role in identifying religious developments. With the formation of different Islamic sects and the emergence of independent governments in the Islamic world, the religious beliefs of different rulers were reflected in the slogans engraved on their coins. During the 4th to 7th centuries of Hijri. Shia rituals and texts are engraved on the coins of some rulers of Iran. The study of the Shia rituals engraved on the coins of each of these rulers provides valuable information about their religious attitudes and policies. The problem of the present research is to examine and analyze the concepts and The Shiite rituals engraved on the coins of Al Masafir, Al Buyeh, Al Bawand and Ismailiyeh Nizari of Iran during the Alamut period. The aim of the research is to identify the religious beliefs and policies of these rulers. The research method is descriptive-analytical. and the Shiite policies of these rulers, will also indicate the role and application of numismatics in the studies of Shiite history in Iran.


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