Basseris’ Raid to Khur and Biabanak in the Qajar Period (Based on the Manuscript of Ghasideh-ye Jandaghieh)

Document Type : Original Article


1 kharazmi university

2 shiraz university


The Basseri are a Persian-speaking tribe in Fars province, having played an influential role in political affair of late Qajar period. One of their roles was a raid of Khur and Biabanak in 1336 A.H. by some of the members of this tribe. This research tries to explain the grounds for the invasion of Khur and Biabanak by Basseris and the consequences, based on descriptive-analytical method and using library resources. The most important resources is the manuscript of Ghasideh-ye Jandaghieh by Mirza Mohammad Ali Monshi Bashi. The poet’s presence in the written event maximizes its importance as well as its necessity to be used in this study. The findings show the considerable effect of political, social, and economic components in the raid of Khur and Biabanak by Basseris. After failing to fulfill his political and economic goals in Fars and following the social crisis in that state, Ramezan Khan Basseri made attempts in another region to realize his purposes. So, considering the turbulent situation in Khur and Biabanak due to the weak central authority and inefficient operation of rulers, he selected this region for his ambitions.


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