Historical, social and cultural obstacles to the formation of generalized trust in Iran society in contemporary history

Document Type : Original Article


tehran university


Trust is the most important component of social order and generalized trust is essential for social relations and development in today's complex and modern societies. But researches represent that in Iran, the level of generalized trust is low and also decreasing. This research, using a descriptive-analytical method, attempts to answer the causes of the lack of formation and expansion of generalized trust in Iran society and its reduction factors. The results of research show that factors such as despotism for a long time, modernization without regard to native culture, authoritarian structure of the government and unsuccessful attempts to reform the political structure have been the most important historical obstacles; Inappropriate cultural structure, hypocrisy, subject political culture and change in values have been the most important cultural obstacles and finally, neglect of the software and social component of development, inefficiency of the governance system, varied demographic composition and Intense ethnic competitions, extensive inequalities and corruption in the body of government have been the most important social obstacles.

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