Identification or Confrontation: A Study of European Tourists' View of Iran's Religious Differences in the Safavid Age

Document Type : Original Article


esfahan university


Religious differences in Islamic religion between Shiite and Sunni, especially in Iran, have always attracted the attention of European travelers during the Safavid period, so their itineraries can be an important source of information on the way these differences have been introduced. Since Shi'a was known by the Safavid kings as the official state religion of Iran, the most information provided by these travelers about beliefs was viewed from the Shi'a perspective. The Safavid Empire ruled over Iran and Shi'a was introduced as the official religion and then traveled through other areas in the Islamic World. Thus, the focus of this study is on Shi'a and Sunni Islam in Iran.
In this article, which is descriptive-analytical, while discussing the differences between Shi'a and Sunni and the religious politics of the Safavid government, it is attempted to explain the causes of the presence of tourists in Iran in the 17th century and to examine their views on the religious differences between Shi'a and Sunni, and how they deal with these differences. As Protestant Christians in the 17th century were persecuted by Catholics, they identified well with the Shiite minority in the Muslim world. this view is studied first. Then, the view of Catholic travelers who were the majority group in Europe is analyzed. Finally, the result of these two perspectives reflects the political orientations of the then-ruling governments in dealing with religious differences of the Safavid era.


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