Three Poetical Andarzes of the Sassanid period in Pahlavi



Pahlavi Andarz texts are an important part of the Iranian literature in Middle stage that reflect the wisdom literature and ethical approach of the Iranian society in the Sassanid era. The Pahlavi Andarz has had a significant impact on post-Islamic literature and poetry. These works are mainly prose, but among them there are several short texts that have the poetical composition, and their themes have also been beautifully repeated by the great Persian poets. Their meter is based on middle Iranian versification and in some of them is also observed a primitive form of rhyme. In this article, three versified Andarzrs: “Poem in praise of wisdom”, “Andarzi Wehzād FarroxPērōz”, and an Andarz with the theme of transience of the world are introduced, and also mentioned some of their linguistic, literary, and content aspects. The praise of the wisdom, the concept of right measure (paymān), encouraging to learn the profession and transience of the world are the cases mentioned in these Andarz texts that reflect the common Sassanian thoughts and show their relation to the Ayīn-Nāmes of that era.


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